Cette page comprend une liste des principaux auteurs dont nous avons traité dans le site. Elle ne prétend en aucun cas être exhaustive, mais elle vous permettra de poursuivre vos recherches à propos de ces auteurs. Cliquer sur le nom d’un auteur vous mènera à son site personnel, et généralement aussi à une liste de ses publications.

Nom et page personnelle Principal champ d’intérêt Textes utilisés dans ce site
Antunes, Sandy Role-playing game, Gaming community Leaping Into Cross-Gender Role-Play (1995)
Barak, Azy Santé mentale, Cyberthérapie Psychological Applications on the Internet: A Discipline on the Threshold of a New Millennium (1999)
Bartle, Richard A.
Communautés virtuelles, MUDs - Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades : Players Who Suit MUDs (1996)
- Un texte explicatif de l’article précédent: The bartle test
- Designing Virtual Worlds (2003)
Bruckman, Amy
Communautés virtuelles, Communautés d’apprentissage, MUDs, MOOs et exploration de l’identité  - Community Support for Constructionist Learning (1998)
- MOOSE Goes to School: A Comparison of Three Classrooms Using a CSCL Environment (1997)
- MOOSE Crossing: Construction, Community, and Learning in a Networked Virtual World for Kids (1997)
- Finding One’s Own in Cyberspace (1996)
- The MediaMOO Project: Constructionism and Professional Community (1995)
- Christmas Unplugged (1995)
- Programming for Fun: MUDs as a Context for Collaborative Learning (1994)
- Gender Swapping on the Internet (1993)
- Identity Workshop: Emergent Social And Psychological Phenomena In Text-Based Virtual Reality (1992)
Bumgardner, Jim
  Entrevue: “On being a God” (1996)
Childress, Craig Cyberthérapie Potential Risks and Benefits of Online Psychotherapeutic Interventions (1998)
Chomsky, Noam Internet et Société, Effets sociaux d’un réseau de communication international  Entrevue: “That’s a little more information than I need to know, or information anarchy and the plight of the ignorant.
Cooper, Alvin Cyberdépendance, Sexualité et Internet,  - A quick tour of online sexuality (2002)
- Sexuality on the Internet: From Sexual Exploration to Pathological Expression (1999)
Curtis, Pavel Communautés virtuelles, phénomènes de socialisation dans les MOOs et MUDs Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities (1992)
Dibbell, Julian
Relations virtuelles, communautés virtuelles A Rape in Cyberspace or How an Evil Clown, a Haitian Trickster Spirit, Two Wizards, and a Cast of Dozens Turned a Database Into a Society (1993)
Donath, Judith S. Identité et sociabilité - Identity and Deception in the Virtual Community (1998)
- Beeing Real (2000)
Esterman, Gail Cyberthérapie Therapy over the Internet? Theory, Research & Finances (1999)
Fanderclai, Tari Lin Communautés d’apprentissage MUDs in Education: New Environments, New Pedagogies (1995)
Farmer, Randall F.
Communautés virtuelles The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat (1991)
Foner, Leonard N.
Effets psychologiques et sociologiques liés aux chatterbots dans les MUDs Entertaining agents: a sociological case study (1995)
Gordon, Barry L. Cyberdépendance, Sexualité et Internet, Sexuality on the Internet: From Sexual Exploration to Pathological Expression (1999)
Griffin-Shelley, Eric Cyberdépendance A quick tour of online sexuality (2002)
Grohol, John Santé mentale - Psych Central (Site Web)
- Internet Addiction Guide (1999, dernière révision: 2005)
- Response to the HomeNet Study (1998)
Gunther, Marc Communauté virtuelles, Cyberdépendance The Newest Addiction (1999)
Heaton, Lorna Communauté virtuelles Les communautés virtuelles ludiques: réflexions sur les jeux multi-utilisateurs (1994)
Kiesler, Sara Internet et société

- The social impact of Internet use (2003)
- Internet Paradox Revisited (2002)

Kim, Jong-Young Particularités de la communication médiée par ordinateur Social Interaction in Computer-Mediated Communication (2000)
King Storm A.
Entraide virtuelle, Ethiques en cyberthérapie - Ethical Guidelines for On-line Therapy (1999)
- Internet therapy and self help groups - the pros and cons (1998)
- Is the Internet Addictive, or Are Addicts Using the Internet? (1996)
- Effects of Mood States on Social Judgments in Cyberspace: Self Focused Sad People as the Source of Flame Wars (1995)
Kraut, Robert
Internet et société The social impact of Internet use  (2003)
Internet Paradox Revisited (2002)
Lafrance, Jean-Paul Communautés virtuelles Les Communautés virtuelles ludiques: réflexions sur les jeux multi-utilisateurs (1994)
Laszlo, J. Vicky Cyberthérapie Therapy over the Internet? Theory, Research & Finances (1999)
Latzko-Toth, Guillaume Communautés virtuelles À la rencontre des tribus IRC (1998)
Lazzaro, Nicole MMORPG Why We Play Games: Four Keys to More Emotion Without Story (2004)
Michael L. Mauldin
Chatterbots, Muds, Intelligence artificielle Chatterbots, Tinymuds, And The Turing Test: Entering The Loebner Prize Competition (1994)
Moreggi, Danielle Entraide virtuelle Internet therapy and self help groups - the pros and cons (1998)
Morningstar, Chip
Communautés virtuelles The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat (1991)
Parks, Malcom Relations virtuelles "Making MOOsic": The Development of Personal Relationships On-line and a Comparison to their Off-line Counterparts (1997)
Making Friends in Cyberspace (1996)
Pollock, Clare Relations virtuelles - "u r a lot bolder on the net": The social use of text-based virtual environments by shy individuals (1997)
- Social interaction in MOOs: Constraints and opportunities of a text-based virtual environment for interpersonal communication (1996)
- Disinhibited behaviour in computer-mediated communication: the good, the bad and the ugly
- Exploring Virtuality: Telepresence In Text-Based Virtual Environments (1996)
Poulos, Stephan T. Éthiques en cyberthérapie Ethical Guidelines for On-line Therapy (1999)
Internet therapy and self help groups - the pros and cons (1998)
Phillips, Wende Entraide virtuelle A Comparison of Online, E-Mail, and In-Person Self-Help Groups Using Adult Children of Alcoholics as a Model (1996)
Reid, Elizabeth
Communautés virtuelles Electropolis: Communication and Community On Internet Relay Chat (1991)
Cultural Formations in Text-Based Virtual Realities (1994)
Roberts, Lynne Relations virtuelles - "Making MOOsic": The Development of Personal Relationships On-line and a Comparison to their Off-line Counterparts (1998)
- "u r a lot bolder on the net": The social use of text-based virtual environments by shy individuals (1997)
- "Making MOOsic": The Development of Personal Relationships On-line and a Comparison to their Off-line Counterparts (1997)
- Exploring Virtuality: Telepresence In Text-Based Virtual Environments (1996)
- Social interaction in MOOs: Constraints and opportunities of a text-based virtual environment for interpersonal communication (1996)
- Disinhibited behaviour in computer-mediated communication: the good, the bad and the ugly
Rheingold, Howard Communautés virtuelles The Virtual Community (1998)
Schaap, Frank Réel et virtuel, MUD The Words That Took Us There. Ethnography in a Virtual Reality (2002),
The Words that Took us There: Not An Ethnography (2000)
Scherer, Coralie R. Cyberdépendance Sexuality on the Internet: From Sexual Exploration to Pathological Expression (1999)
Sempsey, James III Cyberthérapie The Therapeutic Potentials of Text-based Virtual Reality (1998)
Smith, Leigh M. Relations virtuelles

- "u r a lot bolder on the net": The social use of text-based virtual environments by shy individuals (1997)
- Disinhibited behaviour in computer-mediated communication: the good, the bad and the ugly (1997)
- Exploring Virtuality: Telepresence In Text-Based Virtual Environments (1996)
- Social interaction in MOOs: Constraints and opportunities of a text-based virtual environment for interpersonal communication (1996)

Stone, Allucquère Rosanne
Réel et virtuel, communauté virtuelle, Will the Real Body Please Stand Up? (1991)
Suler, John Cyberpsychologie

The Psychology of Cyberspace (1996), un livre en ligne qui comprend l’ensemble de ses écrits notamment :
- Second Life, Second Chance (2007),
- Psychotherapy in Cyberspace (1999, 2000, 2001révisé en, 2004),
- Computerized Psychotherapy (1999),
- Online Lingo - Language at « The Palace » (1996, 1997 et 1999) ,
- To Get What You Need: Healthy and Pathological Internet Use (1999),
- Avatar Psychotherapy (1999),
- Cyberspace Humor (1999)
- Communicative Subtlety in Multimedia Chat (1996-present),
- Cyberspace as Dream World (Illusion and Reality at the « Palace ») (1996, 1999),
- Computer and Cyberspace Addiction , (1996, 1998, 1999),
- The Other Worlds (1997),
- Life at the Palace - A Cyberpsychology Case Study ,(1996)
- Other Cyberpsychology Resources on the Internet
- E-Mail Communication and Relationships (1995)

Turkle, Sherry
Individu et Technologie, Exploration de l’identité, Réel et virtuel, Internet et Société, - What Are We Thinking About When We Are Thinking About Computers? (1999)
- Cyborg Babies and Cy-Dough-Plasm. Ideas about Self and Life in the Culture of Simulation (1998)
- Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet (1997)
- Session with the Cybershrink: An Interview with Sherry Turkle (1996) - Virtuality and its discontents: Searching for Community in Cyberspace (1996)
- Constructions and Reconstructions of Self in Virtual Reality: Playing in the MUDs (1994)
Walther, Joseph B.
Particularités de la communication médiée par ordinateur - 471 Things to Read About CMC (updated in 2004)
- Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction (1996)
Wellman, Barry Psychologie et Internet - Information in Society
Yee, Nicholas
Auto-Représentation, Interaction Sociale dans les Environnements Virtuels - Motivations of Play in Online Games (2007)
- The Psychology of Massively Multi-User Online Role-Playing Games: Motivations, Emotional Investment, Relationships and Problematic Usage (2006)
Zabko, Sherri Cyberthérapie Therapy over the Internet? Theory, Research & Finances (1999)

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